Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What am I doing and where am I going?

This year I have been asked to work on an Academic Support Fellowship. When I first tell people this they give me a puzzled look. So to clarify for myself and others here is a summary of what my work will focus on first semester.
The two main goals of the fellowship are:
1.) To serve students who may or may not have been diagnosed with a learning difficulty.
2.) To support teachers in creating environments that foster differentiated instruction, helping to meet the need of ALL students.
Now, how am I going to meet these goals? Well, I am not quite sure but one of my ideas is to create this online repository, hoping to share and gain insight from anyone who wants to add to this conversation. Hopefully, this could be a place where people can catch a glimpse into my mind as an educator, see the wonderful work that others are doing, share insight on research, give ideas about best practices or strategies, or just "talk story"about teaching. I am excited to see where this year takes me.

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